PR sparked some discussion… This might take a bit longer to resolve. Tried to implement header values to be stored as Vec<Vec<u8>> in which the inner vector is one header value. Not sure how this will mesh with hyper::header::Header existing methods. (Or, how do I separate the different header values? Will the comma have to be added as a separate vector?)
Started working on this, and encountered some ~issues~ challenges! See TODO.
Still dealing with wpt test errors. Fixed one (adding dummy argument to constructor so it takesthe right number of arguments), still dealing with a UTF-8 conversion error on one of the tests.
Things we learned:
if you want to import the latest changes in a file from a different branch to your current branch:
git checkout remote-name/branch /path/to/file
It looks like fetch requires WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope which is not implemented yet. Hear what Josh has to say, and do that!
Submit the PR once tests pass.
Start trying to understand the work that would go into implementing the body APIs, working on top of jdm’s Promise branch (Malisa)