Met with Stefan who showed us some useful tools for looking at Requests/Responses/Headers and also cleared up some questions which had been bugging us.
Things we learned:
dom::bindings::js::MutNullableHeap allows lazy construction of objects (they can be initialized only when you need them)
The cache-control header “directives control who can cache the response, under which conditions, and for how long”.
Also learned about cookies from Stefan. Plus neato command-line tools like zsh-autosuggestions and zsh-syntax-highlighting. Also Charles for web debugging.
We asked Stefan about where to find the actual code that makes the HttpRequest to the remote server. The ultimate goal of all this code we’re writing is to make an HttpRequest (well, one of the goals), yet the code we’re writing seems to dance around that very topic while never actually making the call to the remote server. So this helped clarify things a bit!