Things we did:

  • Request API
    • Figured out how to include Body in the Request API. For now, because we are using only a single Body attribute, it’s better to implement that attribute in the Request struct.
    • There are Request object and request, and they are different! Request object is exposed to JS. request that is part of Request object is used internally.
  • Headers API
    • Malisa worked on fixing an issue that has been blocking her work.
  • ByteStrings in Union Types

Things we learned:

  • When checking the enum variant of a variable binding, use match (not if).
  • match requires addressing every possible situation, so _ might be necessary.
  • Servo uses Python to generate Rust code! Webidl is parsed by Python to generate Rust binding code, union types, and etc.


  • Headers:
    • constructor
    • introspective methods, such as get and has
  • Request:
    • continue writing constructor
    • include request in Request