Things we did:

  • Implemented new() for our Headers struct.
  • Added append_the_header method.
  • Started writing Append, i.e. putting every helper function together. Wrote if/then logic for going through Append method.
  • Ran into a lot of incompatible type issues. And we are still learning! :) :) :)
  • We decided to be more aware of each other when pair programming. :D
  • Used DOMRefCell instead of RefCell because DOMRefCell implements JSTraceable. With RefCell, the compiler threw an error saying it requires JSTraceable implementation.
  • The reason we need RefCell is that it allows interior mutability to immutable borrowed content. The header_list needs to be mutated while auto-generated will borrow Headers immutably.

Things we learned:

  • return can only return from the current function, i.e. you can’t return from an enclosing function in a closure.
  • match doesn’t introduce a new function or closure, so it is fine to return from a match arm
match x {
    Ok(value) => y = x,
    Err(e) => return Err(e),
  • try! is awesome. Below two snippets would do the same thing.
match something_that_returns_a_result() {
    Ok(v) => v,
    Err(e) => return Err(e),
  • It is even possible to save what comes out of try! without unpacking Ok():
let result_of_function = try!(something_that_returns_a_result());
  • 'static is either (1) a reference that is valid for the whole program’s runtime, or (2) an owned pointer.


  • Finish up writing Append.
  • Refactor the code to look cleaner.
  • Handle UTF8 conversion errors. (Also ask for second/third opinions on current implementation.)
  • Write tests for the parsers.
  • Write function that will parse header value.